The Sienna Maker Jacket (well, sort of)

The Sienna Maker Jacket (well, sort of)

I've been wearing the same LL Bean barn jacket to work for years. It's served me well, but it's in disgraceful condition. The corduroy cuffs and collar are frayed, the front is permanently stained with coffee, it's missing a button, I could go on. For someone who can sew, it's an embarrassment. So I've had [...]

The Shirts of Summer

The Shirts of Summer

Oh my, it's been SO LONG since I've blogged, my apologies. It's hard to know where to start. In between helping friends install an IKEA kitchen (350 miles away!), work, and a small amount of sailing; I did manage to get three shirts made. They're always satisfying to make, and two of them filled some [...]

Pantone, Progress and Problems

Clearly the Pantone prognosticators were watching me last March at the MPB Winter Frolic! Were they hiding behind the rolls of faux fur at NY Elegant? Did they watch me pick out this fur, knowing that I'm always way ahead of the fashion curve?  I picked this.....    Low and behold.....what do they pick for [...]