Saying “Oui” to the Marinière Shirt

Saying “Oui” to the Marinière Shirt

I was so pleased when the fabric importer Loom & Stars asked me to participate in their event "shirtfest". If you don't know of them, you should definitely be giving their shirtings a look. They're woven in India and come in a wide range of stripes and checks. Perfect for Summer shirts (and PJs, I [...]

The Shirts of Summer

The Shirts of Summer

Oh my, it's been SO LONG since I've blogged, my apologies. It's hard to know where to start. In between helping friends install an IKEA kitchen (350 miles away!), work, and a small amount of sailing; I did manage to get three shirts made. They're always satisfying to make, and two of them filled some [...]

How to stay busy while the fabric is at the drycleaners

My linen has been renamed a "tablecloth"  by the cleaners, and it will be ready in about a week.  In the meantime I'm moving forward by "preparing the canvas."  Canvas is the name given to the understructure of the jacket.  It's composed of layers of different interfacings intended to give the jacket shape and also [...]